Wednesday 1 August 2012

I have a Family!

So, yesterday was a very exciting day! I came home from work and found a letter from the Study Abroad office at SLU, and it had information about my Home-stay and helpful packing tips!

I'm rooming with a friend of mine, Julia Ericsson. We met through our mutual friend Leslie, and I can tell you that our adventures will be beyond exciting and crazy fun. We get along well, and I am really excited to meet the family. We are staying with Lorraine and Mark Daley, who live in East Finchley, London. Here is a picture from Google Earth of what the house looks like. I hope this isn't too creepy for some of you:
197 East End Road, East Finchley, London. N2 OLZ, England, in case anyone wants to send me something in the mail!
This house is adorable! It's making me that more excited to go! We haven't found out much about our family, but I can't wait to meet them! This neighborhood is around Watford, so I am curious to see which Football club my family cheers for. Look, I'm using proper "footy" terminology! 

In the letter we got from SLU, I was given helpful packing tips. Considering the fact that I am the world's worst offender in overpacking, I'm going to need major help from my Mom and Sonia. For those of you who don't know Sonia, here is a little glimpse:

I hope that was entertaining. The letter said to pack lots of layers, and bring comfortable walking shoes, and good rain gear. Not much of a surprise, but I am in for a challenge, as we are only allowed to bring one suitcase. So, that's it for now, I'll check in again when I get to packing and shopping and whatever else.

To end with a quote... this one is by Michael Scott, from the hilarious show, The Office:
Michael: "Would I rather be feared or loved? Ummmm, that's easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."

Thanks! Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

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